Many people worldwide use Telegram to chat. Pavel Durov, the company’s founder, says they will release a Mini App shop and an in-app browser that works with Web3 by the end of July.
It keeps adding new features and improving the ones it already has. More than 900 million people use it every month, making it one of the ten most downloaded apps in the world. As part of Durov’s news, the platform is taking new steps to fight scams. For example, the month and country where a public user account was made will now be shown. This tool aims to help people see things better and safer.
Thanks to Mini Apps, Telegram users will be able to do more with the app, which will improve their experience and keep them interested. The Mini Apps will also be able to give channel names, which will add another level of decentralised third-party proof and make the platform more likely to work.
The Open Network (TON) is a different blockchain network to which Telegram is tied. It was in the news a few weeks ago because many people like Mini App games like Hamster Kombat and Notcoin.
Telegram Games Draw 239 Million Users Amid Rising Scam Risks
There were 239 million users of blockchain games like Hamster Kombat in just 81 days. This proves that these games can help people earn extra money. You can’t buy or sell Hamster Kombat in-game cash. However, the people who made it still want to add something digital that people can buy and sell in 2024.
Because these games are becoming so popular quickly, evil people want them. To get people to give them money, they lie and say they will get free Hamster coins. Notcoin and Helika Gaming have started a program to help people make new games for the Telegram app because these Mini App games are becoming so popular. They are now taking applications for this project after investing $50 million in it as start-up money.
This is an open-source, permissionless blockchain called the Open Network. It lets anyone see and use it, but it also leaves it open to scams and fake threats. According to SlowMist, a blockchain security business, scams were growing in the TON environment in June.
Yu Xian, the founder of SlowMist, said that the rise in bad behaviour was due to the messaging app Telegram. Scammers can use the app’s groups and chatrooms to further their plans.