Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has announced that the company will add a mini-app store as a significant advance to encourage more people to use blockchain. The comment, which came from Durov’s Telegram channel, makes it clear that the platform wants to grow its activities related to blockchain.
Durov said that there have been a lot more blockchain exchanges through Telegram in 2024. It’s because of how well Telegram-based tap-to-earn games like Notcoin and Hamster Kombat have done. The mini-app shop will be a key part of Telegram’s plan to take over the rapidly changing blockchain industry.
Telegram to Launch Mini App Store
Durov said, “2024 will be remembered as the year that hundreds of millions of people learned about blockchain.” “We’re proud that Telegram is at the center of this change in society.” This month, we’ll keep the fire going by adding a mini-app store and an in-app browser that works with Web3 pages.
When the mini app shop opens, it should speed up the adoption of blockchain and improve the user experience by letting more blockchain-based apps work directly in Telegram. Telegram also wants to deal with scams in the cryptocurrency market. Soon, the site will show information about when a public account was registered, like the month or country. This will make things clearer and help fight scammers.
“We will also do more to fight the con artists who want to scam people who are new to crypto,” Durov said. “Soon, Telegram will start showing the month of registration and main country for public accounts, just like Instagram does.” Also, groups will be able to use their own small apps to name channels, making a decentralized market for third-party verification.