Telegram is at the forefront of a revolutionary change in the way digital assets are traded. Grindery and Binance Labs are working together to add one-click payments to Telegram’s 800 million users.
This revolutionary change will completely change how people use digital assets, bringing about a new era of easy and open cryptocurrency deals.Grindery’s latest smart wallet solution was carefully designed to make it easier to send and receive cryptocurrency on the app.
Grindery is about to change the way people use digital assets by using account abstraction to its fullest and adding millions of dollars to the liquidity of TON-based coins and decentralized applications (dApps).
Telegram Embraces Account Abstraction
The utilization of account abstraction technology marks a pivotal shift in security and functionality. By enabling users to store assets directly within blockchain smart contracts rather than conventional Externally Owned Accounts (EOA), Grindery not only fortifies security measures but also unlocks a plethora of programmable features for on-chain participants.
Since its beta phase initiation in September of last year, Grindery has witnessed an overwhelming response, amassing over 700,000 sign-ups and garnering a user base of more than 500,000 G1 token holders ahead of its official listing.
One thing that makes Grindery’s method stand out is that it wants to make cryptocurrency transactions easier for Telegram’s immense user base. Grindery wants to boost user trust and make coins more useful on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and other EVM-compatible blockchains by replacing complicated alphanumeric blockchain addresses with names that are easy to read.
Also, data from Dune Analytics shows that Grindery’s smart wallet has become one of the most popular account abstraction contracts on decentralized networks.
This award shows that the site is effective and reliable at making cryptocurrency transactions go smoothly.