The Zcash Community Advisory Panel decided that the “Lockbox for Decentralized Grants Allocation” plan was the best one for the future of the cryptocurrency Zcash. The Zcash Development Fund is almost over; it will end in November. At that time, this choice was made.
The Zcash Foundation reported in a blog post on Monday that 63% of respondents approved of the plan, with 14% saying “strong approval” and 34% saying “approval.” This number is much higher than other choices that have been suggested, which shows that most people in the community agree on it.

Decentralized Trust Fund Proposal
The most popular idea says that 20% of Zcash block awards should go into a trust fund. This fund will build up resources until a decentralized way to vote and give out funds can be set up.
I think the plan is a good step toward a self-funding model and has some good points. Before the change can happen, well-known development fund groups need to learn how to send money to different people safely under the new rules. The person who made the plan, whose name is “skyl,” just posted something online about these issues.
This community choice comes after the Electric Coin Company (ECC) made a significant shift in how it funds its projects. It recently said it would stop getting direct protocol funding, which is also known as the “dev tax.” It has been said that the ECC wants a less centralized method that lets the community help shape Zcash’s future.